Foster Stockbroking

About Us

Foster Stockbroking (‘FSB’) was established by Stuart Foster approximately 30 years ago and is focused on providing emerging companies with access to the equity capital markets, together with providing FSB’s institutional client base with access to a high quality research product. FSB has an established presence in each of Sydney, Perth and Auckland (via our JV with Foster Capital NZ Ltd).

FSB holds an Australian Financial Services Licence (AFSL) and is a participant of the Australian Stock Exchange.

We adopt an entrepreneurial and dynamic approach to the identification and fostering of relationships with companies at an early stage. We are very selective in the companies we partner with, developing strong corporate relationships and trust via sound transaction execution.

Our equities research is a foundation to all aspects of our business, and we have developed a reputation from market participants for delivering a very high quality research product.

Our client base spans across Australia, NZ, Asia and the US and comprises traditional long institutions, strategic investors, hedge funds, family offices and high net worth individuals.

FSB is a key sponsor of highly regarded conferences including the TechKnow Invest Roadshow (showcasing emerging ASX-listed technology companies) and the RIU Resources round UP (one of the leading mining investment conferences in Australia)

Our Equities Team

Our Administration Team

FSB seeks to maintain a high level of integrity with the provision of our financial services, ensuring stringent compliance with ASIC regulations and guidance, and in accordance with our AFSL licence requirements.

Significant efforts are made by FSB to ensure that the quality of our services are not compromised by actual or potential conflicts of interest by a combination of internal controls and specific disclosures.

All FSB staff and associated entities are required to have dealing orders approved prior to execution by either a member of the Compliance Committee or by a Responsible Manager, which assists in avoiding and identifying any possible conflicts of interest.

Regular training is undertaken to ensure FSB staff are aware of policies and updates to policies in what is an increasingly dynamic financial services regulatory framework.

Robust information barriers and ‘restricted lists’ are enforced to ensure the dissemination of material non-public information (MNPI) is controlled.

FSB imposes certain restrictions on staff and associated entities from:

Trading in the shares of companies with whom we manage an initial public offer for on the ASX; and

Trading of shares in companies with whom we publish research on.

Foster Capital NZ Limited(FCL) was established in April 2018 in partnership with Foster Stockbroking Pty Ltd(Australia). Foster Capital’s mission is to source for its wholesale clients, the leading investment opportunities in small and emerging company equities within New Zealand and Australia.

Foster Capital’s two founding Directors, Sam Macdonald and Stuart Foster possess extensive industry relationships throughout New Zealand and Australia, and a combined 30+ years in small cap stockbroking and corporate services.

Through Foster Capital’s major shareholder Foster Stockbroking, it has access to deep industry relationships, investment ideas, and deal flow out of Australia.

Foster Capital NZ is registered as a Financial Services Provider(FSP) with the Financial Markets Authority in NZ. Their FSP number is 348286. They are registered with the FMA as a Manager of a Wholesale MIS Scheme (Managed Investment Scheme).

In addition, Foster Capital acts as the manager of the ‘Colt Emerging Companies Fund’, an investment specialist focused on high quality and under-valued smaller companies.
The Managing Director of the Fund is Sam Macdonald and Stuart Foster of Foster Stockbroking, Australia is the Chairman.

Investment decisions for the Fund are made via the Colt Investment Committee, which is comprised of Stuart Foster, Sam Macdonald and Mark Hinsley (of Cranport Pty Ltd, Sydney).

For further information about Colt Capital’s Emerging Companies Fund see their website